I am going to share my story and as a I look back on my life related to my health, I think many people go down a similar path. I was raised on a ranch and we worked, I also played sports in high school, so I was very active in these years. My Jobs after high school were physical labor types of work, so again until I was almost 30, I was physical most of the time. But around thirty I became a salesman and from there I worked into many management positions, my physical work slowed way down. I gained weight, had less activity and proceeded down the path of poor eating habits. I continued down this road for many years.
A little over fifteen years ago I decided to get healthy, I tried diets, I exercised, I took the magic potions to help me lose weight, but I did the yoyo of up and down over and over. I keep telling myself I needed to get healthy, I needed the will power to change and then one day I put my mind to it and really started pushing. It was like magic the weight started to come off, I had lost 30 pounds in one month and I really had not changed much, I was excited. I then started to get sick, run down and something was definitely wrong.
I then end up in the with my doctor, my A1C was almost 12, I was off the charts. The reason I was losing weight is because my system was shutting down and I was not absorbing any nutrients from the food I was eating, Boom! I had diabetes! So, I got what I asked for, I needed to get healthy and now I had a reason I could not ignore. Going on the diabetic meds, following my dietitian and exercising I continued to drop pounds, after six months I had lost 75 pounds. But over the next 10 years I still struggled with my weight going up and down, changing different meds, having a difficult time staying consistent with my health. I ended up with IBS through all of this, I just thought it was the meds I took but I found out latter it was not.
Now we jump to today and my journey is much different because I changed my lifestyle. I forgot all the diets, I got off all the diabetic meds except insulin and I made routine that included exercise. But one of the biggest things that has helped me get to where I am today, is to stop looking at success or failure. A diet, weight training, losing weight, whatever we call these short-term plans, it is only that, a short-term plan and we either succeed or fail. I had to wrap my mind around the fact that I must make a lifetime change. It took me a lot of years to get my health messed up, it is going to take me time to restore it. The things I do today is just my life and it works; am I perfect all the time? No, I am human, and I don’t need to be perfect with everything all the time, I just need to continue working on things.
My message to you is to make that mindset change and find that lifestyle you can set for your needs. Anything we set our minds to do, we can achieve, if we just continually work on it and forget about the end point. Diets end, a lifestyle continues.
I hope that something I share can help someone along the way, that is my goal.